​At Stryker, we’re bringing our full product portfolio to the forefront of the industry—plating, nailing, external fixation, everything. Now and into the future, we can be your go-to partner for everything trauma-related—becoming a force unlike anyone else in our industry, so you can be a force of confidence, knowledge and performance for the patients you serve. ​​

Join us at the Bell Centre on October 23rd at 7:00 PM  for The Stryker Experience, a unique event during OTA's Annual Meeting.​​



Explore our product portfolio

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Wednesday, October 23rd – 25th

7:15am – 6:05pm

Resident Comprehensive Fracture Course 
at the Westin Hotel 

This course will be presented in separate small group modules, with 125-150 residents and 8+ experienced faculty leaders. Stryker will be providing support to two modules this year: Diaphyseal and Upper Extremity.

Wednesday, October 23rd

12:00pm – 4:00pm

High School Scholars Program 
at the Westin Hotel 


The OTA High School Scholars Program (HSSP) launched in 2022 as way to provide early exposure to orthopaedic surgery and related careers. Due to the success of the initial program and the OTA's value of diversity, equity and inclusion, the HSSP has now become an annual event. This year's guest school will be Kahnawake Survival School.


Thursday, October 24th

8:30am – 12:30pm

Industry Partner Education Forum 
at the Exhibit Hall (TBD)

Chair: Dr. Mir

This course is intended to provide an educational discussion forum with leading OTA Faculty and our Industry Partners to benefit our field and patient care.


Thursday, October 24th

12:10pm - 1:00pm (lunch session)

Industry session:
Case calamities & coffee
at Industry Theatre B

Featuring: Dr. Mark Reilly - Moderator, Dr. Krystin Hidden, Dr. Shasta Henderson and Dr. Joshua Gary 


Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Stryker invites you to join an interactive session where our faculty will present and discuss some of their own case calamities and experiences in orthopaedic trauma.

The Stryker Experience will take place at the Bell Centre, utilizing the central arena space. Please note, no hockey game will be scheduled during the event.

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