A thank you letter to nurses everywhere

An RN hugs a patient in the hospital

Dear nurses,

We know the last few years have challenged you in ways you never thought possible. The stakes are higher and the staff numbers lower. You got into this profession because you care about helping people, but lately it feels like all you can do is make it through a shift. It’s not easy, but you get up and do it anyway, and we hope you trust us when we say—healthcare wouldn’t be the same without you.

In the face of adversity, you show us what it takes to be a nurse—selflessness, empathy and unwavering professionalism.

You answer our calls in the middle of the night, offer us reassuring smiles when our worlds are spiraling out of control, relieve our pain, hold our hands, help us welcome new life and say goodbye to people we love.

It may not always feel like it, but we know we’d be lost without you.

So, here we are, offering you our deepest gratitude. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. Your sacrifices, resilience and unwavering commitment inspire us all. You’re the heartbeat of healthcare and we are forever grateful for all that you do.

Thank you for being the guiding light in our darkest (and sometimes, happiest!) hours.

With heartfelt appreciation and admiration,

- Stryker


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