
Joint Replacement 
Fellows Summit

October 6-7 | Fort Lauderdale, FL

Welcome to the 2023 Joint Replacement Fellows Summit!



Cory Calendine, M.D.   
Franklin, TN 

Residency: Vanderbilt University Medical Center 
Fellowship: Anderson Orthopaedic Research Institute 
Email: Cory.Calendine@bjit.org 


Nicholas Colacchio, M.D.   
Falmouth, ME 

Residency: New England Baptist Hospital / Tufts Medical Center
Fellowship: OrthoCarolina Hip & Knee Center 
Email: nicholas.colacchio@gmail.com


Elizabeth Gausden, M.D.  
New York, NY  

Residency: Hospital for Special Surgery 
Fellowship: Mayo Clinic (Lower Extremity Adult Reconstruction), University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Orthopaedic Trauma) 
Email: egausden@gmail.com


Christopher Grayson, M.D. 
Dunedin, FL  

Residency: University of Florida 
Fellowship: Indiana University Health 
Email: cgrayson@gmail.com 


Lige Kaplan, M.D. 
Phoenix, AZ 

Residency: Henry Ford Hospital 
Fellowship: William Beaumont Hospital 
Email: Ligekaplan@yahoo.com 


Michael Morwood, M.D. 
Portsmouth, NH  

Residency: Duke University 
Fellowship: Florida Orthopaedic Institute (Orthopaedic Trauma) 
Aaron Hofmann Arthritis Institute (Adult Reconstruction) 
Email: mike.morwood@gmail.com


Nicolas Piuzzi, M.D.   
Cleveland, OH 

Residency: Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires 
Fellowship: Cleveland Clinic 
Email: nspiuzzi@gmail.com


Aldo Riesgo, M.D.   
Weston, FL 

Residency: New York University School of Medicine 
Fellowship: OrthoCarolina Hip & Knee Center 
Email: riesgoa@ccf.org


Seann Willson, M.D.  
Flint, MI

Residency: University of Chicago
Fellowship: Scripps Clinic
Email: Seannwillson@gmail.com


Benjamin Wooster, M.D. 
Charlotte, NC   

Residency: Duke University Medical Center 
Fellowship: Mayo Clinic 
Email: Benjamin.Wooster@orthocarolina.com


Erik Yakish M.D.
Pittsburgh, PA

Residency: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Hamot
Fellowship: Allegheny general Hospital
Email: ericjyakish@gmail.com

Additional education

JR45 Year of Learning

Are you registered for JR45, Year of Learning?
Register today for Stryker’s interactive and on-demand monthly education series focused on the latest techniques and technologies in hip and knee arthroplasty. Join the education journey to explore Season 1 and 2 on-demand learning content, plus monthly 45-minute case-based webinars. 

Mako in the OR

Explore a collection of educational content on Mako SmartRobotics™. Watch videos and interact with modules to learn OR layouts, roles and responsibilities, Mako instrumentation, Mako System setup and more for all three applications. 


Experience a live procedure in a Virtual Surgical Observation (VSO GO) without ever leaving your office. A VSO GO transports you into a faculty’s OR to watch a procedure with multiple views and dialogue directly with the faculty in real time! VSO GOs are a premier peer-to-peer educational tool, and we hope you’ll make them a part of your education journey. 

VSO GO types

Introduction to Mako | See Mako in action and learn how it has impacted the faculty and their patients.

Post-certification | Schedule a VSO GO after certification and before your first case for additional training, tips and tricks.

Advanced training | Explore what Mako SmartRobotics™ can do for your patients.


VSO GO procedures

Mako Partial Knee, Mako Total Knee, Mako Total Hip, DA with Insignia®

Choose your VSO faculty and schedule a VSO GO with your Stryker sales representative today!





Mako Total Hip 4.0 SmartRobotics™ - Direct anterior approach (Enhanced)

Mako Total Hip 4.0 SmartRobotics™ - Direct anterior approach (Express)

Mako Total Hip 4.0 SmartRobotics™ - Posterior approach

Preplanning with Mako Total Hip 4.0 SmartRobotics™

Mako Partial Knee SmartRobotics™ - Planar workflow with Dr. Adam Freedhand




Thank you for attending the Joint Replacement Fellows Summit!

Don’t hesitate to contact Kimberly.Wylde@stryker.com with questions.