Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of an Additive Manufactured Shell in Robotic and Manual Total Hip Arthroplasty

Geoffrey Westrich MD, Michael Masini MD, Kyle Swanson, and Alice Cruz

Healthcare utilization and payer cost analysis of robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty at 30-, 60- and 90-days

Michael A. Mont, MD, Christina Cool, MPH, David Gregory, MPA, FACHE, Andrea Coppolecchia, MPH, Nipun Sodhi, MD, David Jacofsky, MD

Less pain and less opioid use reported post-operatively in patients undergoing haptic guided, robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty (RATKA)

Kevin Barga, MS, RN

Revision Analysis of Robotic Arm-Assisted and Manual Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty

Christina L. Cool, MPH, Keith A. Needham, BS, Anton Khlopas, MD, Michael A. Mont, MD