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Expenses covered at 100% under all UHC Plans
UnitedHealthcare/OptumRx™ preventive care medications under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Certain over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and items that are classified for use in preventive care will be covered at 100% when they are:
  • Prescribed by a health care professional
  • Age and/or gender appropriate
  • Filled at a network pharmacy
Most brands of eligible OTC medications are covered by the prescription drug benefit. For an up-to-date list of the covered OTC Preventive Care Medications, visit or call UnitedHealthcare at 800 387 7508.
Contraceptives for women
Certain contraceptives, prescription hormonal contraceptives, prescription emergency contraceptives, and prescription diaphragms are covered at 100% when they are:
  • Prescribed by a health care professional
  • Filled at a network pharmacy
Male contraceptives are not covered.
For an up-to-date list of covered contraceptives included in the Preventive Care Medication list, visit or call UnitedHealthcare at 800 387 7508.
Smoking cessation products
The prescription drug plan covers smoking cessation medications, which require a prescription by a physician (e.g., Chantix, bupropion). Certain over-the-counter (OTC) smoking cessation products (such as patches, lozenges and gum) are covered by the plan, when accompanied by a written (paper) prescription, covered at 100%. You will be eligible for coverage for up to two 90-day treatment cycles of medication each year.
Some prescription (non-OTC) smoking cessation prescription drugs are covered by the plan, at no cost-share. Examples are Bupropion sustained-release (generic Zyban), Nicotrol Inhaler, Nicotrol Nasal Spray and Chanitx Tablet.
For an up-to-date list of covered OTC and prescription drugs included in the Preventive Care Medication list, visit or call UnitedHealthcare at 800 387 7508.