
When Stryker employees and their family members become patients 

As part of Stryker’s drive to make healthcare better, our innovations help people around the world continue doing what they love most. Together with our customers, our company impacts the lives of over 130 million patients worldwide every year. Perhaps it’s no surprise that a number of those patients include Stryker employees and their family members. Their lives have been forever changed by the healthcare providers who use our products and innovative solutions every day. One of our core values is People, and we are proud to take care of our own.

Here are four of their stories.

Esley's sudden cardiac arrest

The most important thing to Esley Thorton is his family. The elder Thorton, who shares the name with his son and Stryker employee Esley Thorton, is certainly grateful that quick thinking by his loved ones and easy access to Stryker technology kept him alive.

Even though most sudden cardiac arrests occur at home, owning a home AED is extremely uncommon. Luckily for Esley, with the help of an AED they keep in their kitchen pantry, each of his family members played a role in saving his life when a sudden cardiac arrest struck.

If it wasn’t for that AED, I don’t know if I would mentally be here.



Emily’s jaw replacement

In 2007, Emily Hartmann began experiencing muscle spasms in her jaw. She endured years of pain, avoiding talking and relying on liquid diets. She was eventually diagnosed with a rare disorder called Parry-Romberg syndrome, which causes the slow deterioration of the skin and soft tissue in half the face1.

Together with her daughter, Stryker employee Jordan Hartmann, Emily began exploring options for a jaw replacement. Ultimately, her surgeon not only restored her function but helped her feel beautiful again.

To have [the procedure] be successful and to be functional [with] no pain was just an answer to prayer.



Jesse’s Zip skin closure

After recovering from leukemia, Stryker employee Jesse Decker was ready to get back to his active lifestyle. However, his doctor let him know that his hip wasn’t ready for physical activity and that he would need hip resurfacing surgery.

After Jesse’s surgery, our Zip skin closure provided him with more comfort, fewer scars and a quicker recovery so he could get back to his aerobic activities.

I would say at about month two, I started doing more impactful aerobic activity. Overall I’m incredibly happy with my surgeon, with the procedure itself and my experience with Zip.



Carolyn’s hip replacement

Stryker employee Carolyn Fahey knew what it was like to be a patient – well before she became one herself. “As a former orthopaedic surgery nurse, I was the customer,” Carolyn said. “I have done the job.” But when her hip began causing her pain, she thought nothing of it – before it was too late and she required a full hip replacement.


I feel better than I have in a long time, I can get back to the activities that I love to do – I should have never put it off for so long, I am so happy with my result.

