Survivor: Esley Thorton


The most important thing to Esley Thorton is his family. Watch how they each played a role in saving his life with the help of an AED they keep in their kitchen pantry.


Workplace and public safety

An AED program is a critical link in the chain of survival of a sudden cardiac arrest, empowering you to deliver lifesaving intervention before first responders arrive. With more than a million AEDs deployed globally, Stryker offers diverse options and deep expertise to help you choose the right device and cost-effectively manage your community AED program.

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Survivor: Denis Legault

Quick action (and speedy driving) by paramedics helped save sudden cardiac arrest survivor Denis Legault. Two years after the event, Denis met the crew that helped save his life.

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Survivor: Derrick Mosley

After going on a morning run, Derrick began to feel some chest discomfort. His wife, Melissa, a healthcare professional trained in resuscitation, quickly recognized the warning signs of a sudden cardiac arrest. Luckily, an off-duty firefighter pulled over from traffic and began assisting. Soon EMS and Fire/Rescue units arrived to apply a LUCAS.

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