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Employee Assistance Program (LifeWorks)

Stryker's Employee Assistance Program provides you and members of your household with professional confidential help in dealing with everyday issues. The program is administered by LifeWorks.
Services include:
  • Professional confidential counseling, customized searches and referrals for life or family problems, work problems or emotional or substance abuse disorders;
  • Up to five short-term counseling sessions (per issue or problem) available to you and members of your household at no cost;
  • Child care and elder care research and referral services for day care, home care, special schools or camps;
  • College search service provides detailed information regarding hundreds of colleges and universities; and
  • Specially designed financial calculators help you plan for retirement, figure out how much you can afford to pay for a house, estimate how long it will take to pay off credit card debt and much more.
You and members of your household are eligible for LifeWorks services on your date of hire. Enrollment in Stryker's medical plan is not required. The issues you bring to LifeWorks are held in strict confidence and are not shared with anyone at Stryker.
All LifeWorks services are available by calling 866 785 4572 seven days a week, 24 hours per day. You also can log on to (Company name: Stryker; password: 4260).