Virtual Streamline Centre of Excellence (COE)

Guragon, India

Dr. Gaurav Goel

Director and Head, Neurointervention Surgery, Medanta
The Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon

Dr. Goel and team are pioneers in comprehensive stroke care, both hemorrhagic and ischemic, in Medanta Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon. Dr. Goel is an experienced INR and his center treats approximately 150 aneurysms and almost 50 cases of flow diversion per year. Dr. Gaurav has a tremendous amount of Surpass Streamline Flow Diverter case experience and is a very respected proctor for the device across APAC.


To understand the principles of patient selection and the tips & tricks and safe usage of the Surpass™ Streamline™ Flow Diverter Device.

Key learning points

Physicians will learn about the concept of flow diversion and the design intent behind the Surpass Streamline Flow Diverter device through recorded hands-on sessions with flow models. They will also learn about patient selection and planning of a flow diversion case including anesthesia protocols, pre and post procedure medications, technical tips and tricks of Surpass Streamline Flow Diverter deployment. They will be exposed to the practical aspects of a flow diversion case through panel case discussion and recorded streamline cases.

Course agenda

Day 1 - 07 November 2020
10:00 - 10:10  Welcome and introductions
10:10 - 11:00  Concepts behind Surpass Streamline Flow Diverter and patient selection 
11:00 - 11:30    Anesthesia protocols, anti-platelet regime and post procedure critical care 
11:30 - 11:35  Break
11:35 - 12:20  Importance of access planning - “Success starts from access”
12:20 - 12:55  Medanta Surpass Streamline experience
12:55 - 13:00  Closing
Day 2 - 08 November 2020
10:00 - 10:05 Welcome
10:05 - 11:00 Key differences with experience of Streamline vs Pipeline
11:00 - 11:45 Streamline case examples – recorded videos
11:45 - 11:50 Break
11:50 - 12:20 Tips and tricks on Streamline techniques
12:20 - 12:55 Recorded Hands-on with flow model presentation and discussions
12:55 - 13:00 Closing


Thank you for your registration. You should receive email confirmation shortly.


The Virtual Panel Discussion will be hosted 6 months after this two day workshop.  

Time Topic Presenter
10:00 - 10:15 Flow Diverter experience exchange All
10:15 - 10:30 Recorded Streamline Case All
10:30 - 12:30 Streamline Case Presentation & Discussion Dr Gaurav Goel
12:30 - 12:55 Attendee conclusions and discussions All
12:55 - 13:00 Closing Dr Gaurav Goel