Informações para profissionais da saúde

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se proteger de forma eficaz?


Makovicka JL, Bingham JS, Patel KA, Young SW, Beauchamp CP, Spangehl MJ.
Surgeon Personal Protection: An Underappreciated Benefit of Positive-pressure Exhaust Suits

Rahardja R, Morris AJ, Hooper GJ, Grae N, Frampton CM, Young SW
Surgical Helmet Systems Are Associated With a Lower Rate of Prosthetic Joint Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Combined Results From the New Zealand Joint Registry and Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme

Surgeon Eye

"O uso de capacetes cirúrgicos pode reduzir ou eliminar a exposição da pele e membranas mucosas a partículas."1

McGovern PD, Albrecht M, Khan SK, Muller SD, Reed MR
The influence of surgical hoods and togas on airborne particle concentration at the surgical site: an experimental study

Singh BI, Nurein H, Sinha S, Singh S, Housden P
Risk of conjunctival contamination in total joint arthroplasty


"O uso de capacetes cirúrgicos está
 associado a uma 
menor taxa de infeção peri-protésica após a substituição total do joelho do que com o uso de roupas cirúrgicas tradicionais."2

Singh VK, Kalairajah Y
Splash in elective primary knee and hip replacement: are we adequately protected?

Hirpara KM, O'Halloran E, O'Sullivan M
A quantitative assessment of facial protection systems in elective hip arthroplasty

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  1. Makovicka JL, Bingham JS, Patel KA, Young SW, Beauchamp CP, Spangehl MJ. Surgeon Personal Protection: An Underappreciated Benefit of Positive-pressure Exhaust Suits. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2018 Jun;476(6):1341-1348. doi:
    10.1007/s11999.0000000000000253. PMID: 29481350; PMCID: PMC6263565.

  2. Rahardja R, Morris AJ, Hooper GJ, Grae N, Frampton CM, Young SW. Surgical Helmet Systems Are Associated With a Lower Rate of Prosthetic Joint Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty: Combined Results From the New Zealand Joint Registry and Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme. J Arthroplasty. 2022 May;37(5):930-935.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2022.01.046. Epub 2022 Jan 25. PMID: 35091034.