Discover our joint initiative between Neurovascular and Medical
on sudden cardiac arrest and stroke awareness
We are spending a greater amount of our time at home and Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) as well as Stroke are more common than you think.
As SCA and Stroke happen largely in the home, there may be an increased likelihood of having to respond to the critical needs of a loved one.
Any one of us could save the life of a loved one by responding quickly.
So, you need the knowledge and ability to respond very quickly and confidently when they happen.
Let’s take the opportunity to learn how to respond to these conditions and learn how to save a life!
Raises awareness about cardiac arrest and helps people to learn CPR, giving them life-saving skills and the confidence to use them.
Raises awareness about the serious nature of stroke, highlights the importance of recognizing the signs of stroke to react FAST, and saves lives allowing treatment for patients.
1. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death Europace 2006; 8:746-837.
2. Cummins RO. 1989. From concept to standard of care? Review of the clinical experience with automated external defibrillators. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 18: 1269–75.
4. World Stroke Organization (WSO), Global stroke sheet
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